Chemical Thermodynamics Question 300

Question: For which one of the following equations is $ \Delta H_{react}^{o} $ equal to $ \Delta H_{f}^{o} $ for the product [CBSE PMT 2003]


A) $ 2CO(g)+O_2(g),\to ,2CO_2(g) $

B) $ N_2(g)+O_3(g),\to ,N_2O_3(g) $

C) $ CH_4(g)+2Cl_2(g),\to ,CH_2Cl_2(l)+2HCl(g) $

D) $ Xe(g)+2F_2(g),\to ,XeF_4(g) $

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Correct Answer: D


Both $ X_{e} $ and $ F_2 $ are gaseous elements at $ 25^{o}C $ and in their standard states and form $ Xe{F_{4(g)}} $ hence $ \Delta H_{(f)}^{\circ }=\Delta H_{react}^{\circ } $ .

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