Chemical Thermodynamics Question 282

Question: The values of $ \Delta H $ for the combustion of ethene and ethyne are - 341.1 and - 310.0kcal respectively. Which of the following is a better fuel [BHU 2001]


A) $ C_2H_2 $

B) $ C_2H_4 $

C) Both of these

D) None of these

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Correct Answer: A


$ \Delta H $ for $ C_2H_6=-341.1,K,cal $ its calorific value $ =\frac{-341.1}{30}=-11.37,kcal/g $ .

$ \Delta H $ for $ C_2H_2=-310.0,kcal $ its Calorific value $ =\frac{-310.0,}{26}=-11.92, $

hence $ C_2H_2 $ is a better fuel.

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