Chemical Thermodynamics Question 261

Question: When $ 50,cm^{3} $ of a strong acid is added to $ 50,cm^{3} $ of an alkali, the temperature rises by $ 5^{o}C $ . If $ 250,cm^{3} $ of each liquid are mixed, the temperature rise would be [KCET 1999]


A) $ 5^{o}C $

B) $ 10^{o}C $

C) $ 25^{o}C $

D) $ 20^{o}C $

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Correct Answer: A


No doubt heat evolved during neutralisation of $ 250,cm^{3} $ of each acid and base is five time the heat evolved during neutralisation of $ 50,cm^{3} $ of each acid and base but the quantity if solution taking heat is also five time thus same temperature rise is noticed.

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