Chemical Kinetics Question 88

Question: For the reaction $ 2N_2O_5\to 4NO_2+O_2 $ rate of reaction and rate constant are $ 1.02\times {10^{-4}} $ and $ 3.4\times {10^{-5}}{{\sec }^{-1}} $ respectively. The concentration of $ N_2O_5 $ at that time will be [BHU 2001]


A) $ 1.732 $

B) 3

C) $ 1.02\times {10^{-4}} $

D) $ 3.4\times 10^{5} $

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Correct Answer: B


$ R=K[A] $ , $ 1.02\times {10^{-4}}=3.4\times {10^{-5}},,[N_2O_5] $ or $ (N_2O_5) $

$ =\frac{1.02\times {10^{-4}}}{3.4\times {10^{-5}}},,K=3 $

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