Chemical Kinetics Question 74

Question: For a reaction $ 2A+B\to $ Products, doubling the initial concentration of both the reactants increases the rate by a factor of 8, and doubling the concentration of B alone doubles the rate. The rate law for the reaction is [MP PET 2001]


A) $ \gamma =k[A]{{[B]}^{2}} $

B) $ \gamma =k{{[A]}^{2}}[B] $

C) $ \gamma =k[A][B] $

D) $ \gamma =k{{[A]}^{2}}{{[B]}^{2}} $

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Correct Answer: B


$ 2A+B\to $ Products According to question : Rate of reaction of -A- $ \propto $ [B] as increase in rate is double when [B] is doubled. Rate of reaction $ \propto $ [A] [B] as increase in rate is 8 times when concentration of both reactant is doubled. It means that order of reaction is 3 and overall rate reaction should be $ r=K{{[A]}^{2}}[B] $

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