Chemical Kinetics Question 49

Question: The reaction, $ X+2Y+Z\to N $ occurs by the following mechanism

(i) $ X+Y\rightarrow M $ (very rapid equilibrium) (ii) $ M+Z\to O $ (slow) (iii) $ O+Y~\to N $ (very fast) What is the rate law for this reaction-


A) Rate = k[Z]

B) Rate = k[X] $ {{[Y]}^{2}} $ [Z]

C) Rate = k[N]

D) Rate = k[X] [Y] [Z]

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Correct Answer: D


[d] $ K_{C}=\frac{[M]}{[X][Y]}\Rightarrow [M]=K_{C}[X][Y] $ Rate $ =K’[M][Z]=K’K_{C}[X][Y][Z] $

$ =K[X][Y][Z] $

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