Chemical Kinetics Question 354

Question: For a certain reaction, rate $ =k\times {{[ {H^{+}} ]}^{n}} $ . If pH of reaction changes from two to one, the rate becomes 100 times of its value at pH = 2, the order of reaction is-


A) 1

B) 2

C) 0

D) 3

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Correct Answer: B


[b] $ pH=2,;r_1=k\times {{({10^{-2}})}^{n}},{Q[{H^{+}}]={10^{-pH}}} $

$ pH=1;r_2=k\times {{({10^{-1}})}^{n}} $ Given $ r_2=100r_1 $
$ \Rightarrow {{( \frac{{10^{-1}}}{{10^{-2}}} )}^{n}}=100 $

$ 10^{n}=100 $
$ \therefore n=2 $

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