Chemical Kinetics Question 33

Question: The rate constant $ ({K}’) $ of one reaction is double of the rate constant $ ({K}’’) $ of another reaction. Then the relationship between the corresponding activation energies of the two reactions ( $ E_a^{\prime } $ and $ E_a^{\prime\prime } $ ) will be [MP PET 1994; UPSEAT 2001]


A) $ E_a^{\prime }>E_a^{\prime\prime } $

B) $ E_a^{\prime }=E_a^{\prime\prime } $

C) $ E_a^{\prime }<E_a^{\prime\prime } $

D) $ E_a^{\prime }=4E_a^{\prime\prime } $

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Correct Answer: C


As $ {K^{’}}>{K^{’’}},E_a^{’}<E_a^{’’} $ (Greater the rate constant, less is the activation energy).

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