Chemical Kinetics Question 323

Question: The rate of a reaction increases four-fold when the concentration of reactant is increased 16 times. If the rate of reaction is $ 4\times {10^{-6}}mol{L^{-1}}{s^{-1}} $ when the concentration of the reactant is $ 4\times {10^{-4}}mol{L^{-1}} $ . The rate constant of the reaction will be


A) $ 2\times {10^{-4}}mo{l^{1/2}}{L^{-1/2}}{s^{-1}} $

B) $ 1\times {10^{-2}}{s^{-1}} $

C) $ 2\times {10^{-4}}mo{l^{-1/2}}{L^{1/2}}{s^{-1}} $

D) $ 25mo{l^{-1}}Lmi{n^{-1}} $

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Correct Answer: A


[a] $ Rate\propto \sqrt{Concentration}=k\sqrt{Concentration} $

$ k=\frac{Rate}{{{(Concentration)}^{1/2}}} $

$ =\frac{4\times {10^{-6}}}{{{(4\times {10^{-4}})}^{1/2}}}=\frac{4\times {10^{-6}}}{2\times {10^{-2}}} $

$ =2\times {10^{-4}}mo{l^{1/2}}{L^{-1/2}}{s^{-1}} $

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