Chemical Kinetics Question 306

Question: A catalyst lowers the activation energy of a certain reaction from 83.314 to $ 75kJmo{l^{-1}} $ at 500 K. What will be the rate of reaction as compared to uncatalysed reaction- Assume other things being equal.


A) Double

B) 28 times

C) 7.38 times

D) $ 7.38\times 10^{3} $ times

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Correct Answer: C


[c] $ \frac{k_2}{k_1}=\frac{A{e^{-{E_{a_2}}/RT}}}{A{e^{-{E_{a_1}}/RT}}}={e^{({E_{a_1}}-{E_{a_2}})/RT}} $

$ 2.303\log \frac{k_2}{k_1}=\frac{{E_{a_1}}-E_{a}}{RT} $

$ =\frac{( 83.314-75 )\times 10^{3}}{8.314\times 500}=2 $

$ \log k_2=\frac{2}{2.303}=0.868 $ Taking Antilog $ k_2=7.38 $

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