Chemical Kinetics Question 277

Question: The rate law for the reaction $ 2X+Y\to Z $ is Rate $ =k[ X ][ Y ]. $ The correct statement with regard to this relation is


A) the unit of k is $ {s^{-1}} $

B) the rate of the reaction is independent of [X] and [Y]

C) for this reaction $ {t_{1/2}} $ is independent of initial concentrations of reactant

D) the rate of formation of Z is half of the rate of disappearance of X

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Correct Answer: D


[d] The given reaction is: $ 2X+Y\xrightarrow{{}}Z $

$ -\frac{d[X]}{2dt}=\frac{d[Z]}{dt} $
$ \therefore $ Rate of formation of Z is half of the rate of disappearance of X.

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