Chemical Kinetics Question 276

Question: For a reaction $ A+2B\to C $ , the amount of C formed by starting the reaction with 5 moles of A and 8 moles of B is


A) 5 moles

B) 8 moles

C) 16 moles

D) 4 moles

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Correct Answer: D


[d] $ A+2B\xrightarrow{{}}C $ 1 mole of A reacts with 2 moles of B to give 1 mol of C.
$ \therefore $ 5 moles of A would react with 10 moles of B to give 5 moles of C. But, only 8 moles of B are available 2 moles of B gives 1 mole of C
$ \therefore $ 8 moles of B will give $ 1/2\times 8=4 $ moles of C.

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