Chemical Kinetics Question 211

Question: The following statements(s) is(are) correct [IIT 1999]


A) A plot of $ \log ,K_{p} $ versus $ 1/T $ is linear

B) A plot of $ \log ,[X] $ versus time is linear for a first order reaction $ X\to P $

C) A plot of $ \log P $ versus $ 1/T $ is linear at constant volume

D) A plot of $ P $ versus $ 1/V $ is linear at constant temperature

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Correct Answer: A


By Vant-s Hoff equation, $ \frac{d\ln k}{dt}=\frac{\Delta H^{o}}{RT^{2}} $ or $ \ln k_{p}=-\frac{\Delta H^{o}}{RT}+I $ . Hence is correct is also correct as plot of log (X) vs time is linear. is wrong because $ p\propto T $ at constant volume. is correct by Boyle-s law.

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