Chemical Kinetics Question 210

Question: The half-life of 2 sample are 0.1 and 0.4 seconds. Their respective concentration are 200 and 50 respectively. What is the order of the reaction [JEE Orissa 2004]


A) 0

B) 2

C) 1

D) 4

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Correct Answer: B


$ {t_{1/2}}\propto {a^{1-n}} $ Þ $ \frac{0.1}{0.4}=\frac{{{(200)}^{1-n}}}{{{(50)}^{1-n}}} $ Þ $ \frac{1}{4}={{[ \frac{4}{1} ]}^{1-n}}={{[ \frac{1}{4} ]}^{n-1}} $
Þ $ \frac{1}{4^{1}}=\frac{1}{{4^{n-1}}} $
$ \therefore \ \ n-1=1 $ ; $ n=2 $ .

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