Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Question 86

Question: Which bond angle $ \theta $ would result in the maximum dipole moment for the triatomic molecule $ YXY $

[AIIMS 1980]


A) $ \theta =90^{o} $

B) $ \theta =120^{o} $

C) $ \theta =150^{o} $

D) $ \theta =180^{o} $

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Correct Answer: A


The dipole moment of two dipoles inclined at an angle $ \theta $ is given by the equation $ \mu =\sqrt{X^{2}+Y^{2}+2XY\cos \theta } $

$ \cos 90{}^\circ =0 $ . Since the angle increases from $ 90-180 $ , the value of $ \cos \theta $ becomes more and more - ve and hence resultant decreases. Thus, dipole moment is maximum when $ \theta =90{}^\circ $ .

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