Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Question 70

Question: Among the following species, identify the isostructural pairs, $ NF_3,NO_3^{-},BF_3,H_3{O^{+}},HN_3 $


A) $ [NF_3,NO_3^{-}] $ and $ [BF_3,H_3{O^{+}}] $

B) $ [NF_3,HN_3] $ and $ [NO_3^{-},BF_3] $

C) $ [NF_3,H_3{O^{+}}] $ and $ [NO_3^{-},BF_3] $

D) $ [NF_3,H_3{O^{+}}] $ and $ [HN_3,BF_3] $

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Correct Answer: C


[ $ NF_3 $ and $ H_3{O^{+}} $ ] are pyramidal while [ $ NO_3^{-} $ and $ BF_3 $ ] are planar. Hence answer C is correct.

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