Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Question 493

Question: Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of their ionic character: $ SnCl_2,SnCl_4,SiCl_4,SnF_4,SnF_2 $


A) $ SnF_2<SnCl_2<SnF_4<SnCl_4<SiCl_4 $

B) $ SnF_2<SnCl_2<SnF_4<SiCl_4<SnCl_4 $

C) $ SiCl_4<SnCl_4<SnF_4<SnCl_2<SnF_2 $

D) $ SnCl_4<SnF_4<SnCl_2<SnF_2<SiCl_4 $

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Correct Answer: C


  • As the size of the cations increases in the order, $ S{i^{4+}}<S{n^{4+}}<S{n^{2+}} $ and for size of anions, $ {F^{-}}<C{l^{-}} $ so the order of increasing ionic character is, $ SiCl_4<SnCl_4<SnF_4<SnCl_2<SnF_2 $

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