Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Question 482

Question: During steam distillation of a mixture of o-nitrophenol and p-nitrophenol


A) vapours of o-nitrophenol are carried by steam because of its lower boiling point due to chelation.

B) vapours of o-nitrophenols are carried by steam because of its lower boiling point and solubility in steam.

C) vapours of o-nitrophenol are carried by steam because its boiling point is reduced by steam.

D) vapours of p-nitrophenol are carried by steam because of its lower boiling point.

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Correct Answer: A


  • Only o-nitrophenol is capable of forming intra molecular H-bonding (chelation) which leads to its lower b.p. (less than $ 100^{o}C $ ) and also lower solubility in water (steam).

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