Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Question 469

Question: The correct increasing bond angles order is


A) $ BF_3<NF_3<PF_3<ClF_3 $

B) $ ClF_3<PF_3<NF_3<BF_3 $

C) $ BF_3=NF_3<PF_3<ClF_3 $

D) $ BF_3<NF_3<PF_3<ClF_3 $

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Correct Answer: B


  • $ BF_3 $ : planar $ (sp^{2}), $

$ 120{}^\circ $ bond angle (maximum),Higher the electro negativity of central atom (in $ sp^{3} $ hybridized) larger the bond angle but presence of lone pair of electrons decreases the bond angle. Greater the no. of lone pair of electrons, lower the bond angle.

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