Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Question 444

Question: The correct order of bond dissociation energy among $ N_2,,O_2,O_2^{-} $ is shown in which of the following arrangements-


A) $ N_2>O_2^{-}>O_2 $

B) $ O_2^{-}>O_2>N_2 $

C) $ N_2>O_2>O_2^{-} $

D) $ O_2>O_2^{-}>N_2 $

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Correct Answer: C


  • The bond order of $ N_2\text{, }O_2, $ and $ O_2^{-} $ are respectively 3, 2 and 1.5 Since higher bond order implies higher bond dissociation energy hence the correct order will be $ N_3>O_2>O_2^{-} $

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