Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Question 428

Question: Arrange the following ions in the order of decreasing $ ~X-O $ bond length, where X is the central atom


A) $ ClO_4^{-},SO_4^{2-},PO_4^{3-},SiO_4^{-} $

B) $ SiO_4^{4-},PO_4^{3-},SO_4^{2-},ClO_4^{-} $

C) $ SiO_4^{4-},PO_4^{3-},ClO_4^{-},SO_4^{2-} $

D) $ SiO_4^{4-},SO_4^{2-},PO_4^{3-},ClO_4^{-} $

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Correct Answer: B


  • More will be the electronegativity of X, lesser will be the bond length of $ X-O $ bond.

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