Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Question 372

Question: Correct order of bond length is [Orissa JEE 2005]


A) $ CO_3^{2-}>CO_2>CO $

B) $ CO_2>CO>CO_3^{2-} $

C) $ CO>CO_2>CO_3^{2-} $

D) None of these

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Correct Answer: A


From valency bond theory, bond order in CO, i.e. $ :\overset{-}{\mathop{C}},\equiv \overset{+}{\mathop{O}},: $ is 3, that of $ O=C=O $ is 2 while that of $ CO_3^{2-} $ ion is 1.33. Since the bond length increases as the bond order decreases, i.e. $ CO<CO_2<CO_3^{2-} $ .

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