Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Question 360

Question: The bond length the species $ O_2,O_2^{+} $ and $ O_2^{-} $ are in the order of


A) $ O_2^{+}>O_2>O_2^{-} $

B) $ O_2^{+}>O_2^{-}>O_2 $

C) $ O_2>O_2^{+}>O_2^{-} $

D) $ O_2^{-}>O_2>O_2^{+} $

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Correct Answer: A


As bond order increase bond length decrease the bond order of species are $ =\frac{\text{number of bonding electron -Number of }a\text{.}b\text{. electron}}{2} $ For $ O_2=\frac{10-6}{2}=2 $ ; $ O_2^{+}=\frac{10-5}{2}=2.5 $

$ O_2^{-}=\frac{10-7}{2}=1.5 $ So, bond order $ O_2^{+}>O_2>O_2^{-} $ and bond length are $ O_2^{+}>O_2>O_2^{-} $ .

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