Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Question 304

Question: In which of the following ionization processes, the bond order has increased and the magnetic behavior has changed-


A) $ C_2\to {C^{+}}_2 $

B) $ NO\to N{O^{+}} $

C) $ O_2\to {O^{+}}_2 $

D) $ N_2\to {N^{+}}_2 $

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Correct Answer: B


  • (1) $ C_2: $ Bond order 2 diamagnetic.

$ {C^{+}}_2: $ Bond order 1.5 paramagnetic.

(2) $ NO: $ Bond order 2.5 paramagnetic.

$ N{O^{+}}: $ Bond order 3 diamagnetic.

(3) $ O_2: $ Bond order 2 paramagnetic.

$ {O^{+}}_2: $ Bond order 2.5 paramagnetic.

(4) $ N_2: $ Bond order 3 paramagnetic.

$ {N^{-}}_2: $ Bond order 2.5 diamagnetic.

Thus, in $ NO\to N{O^{+}} $ , electron is removed form antibonding molecular orbital, hence bond order increases and nature changes form paramagnetic to diamagnetic.

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