Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Question 300

Question: The electronegativity difference between N and F is greater than that between N and H, yet the dipole moment of $ NH_3 $ (1.5 D) is larger than that of $ NF_3 $ (0.2 D). This is because


A) In $ NH_3 $ the atomic dipole and bond dipole are in the same direction, whereas in $ NF_3 $ these are in opposite directions

B) In $ NH_3 $ as well as $ NF_3 $ the atomic dipole and bond dipole are in opposite directions

C) In $ NH_3 $ the atomic dipole and bond dipole are in the opposite directions, whereas in $ NF_3 $ - 3 these are in the same direction

D) In $ NH_3 $ as well as in $ NF_3 $ the atomic dipole and bond dipole are in the same direction

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Correct Answer: A


  • In $ NH_3 $ the atomic dipole and bond dipole are in the same direction, whereas in $ NF_3 $ these are in opposite directions so in the former case they are added up whereas in the latter case net result is the reduction of dipole moment.

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