Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Question 24

Question: On analysis, a certain compound was found to contain iodine and oxygen in the ratio of $ 254gm $ of iodine and $ 80gm $ of oxygen. The atomic mass of iodine is 127 and that of oxygen is 16. Which of the following is the formula of the compound [CPMT 1981]


A) $ IO $

B) $ I_2O $

C) $ I_5O_2 $

D) $ I_2O_5 $

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Correct Answer: D


Compound has 254 gm of $ I_2 $ means $ \frac{254}{127}=2 $ mole, while 80 gm $ O_2 $ means $ \frac{80}{16}=5 $ mole so they will form compound $ I_2O_5 $ .

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