Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Question 2

Question: The electronic configuration of four elements are given in brackets $ L,( 1s^{2},2s^{2}2p^{1} );M,( 1s^{2},2s^{2},2p^{5} ) $

$ Q,( 1s^{2},2s^{2},2p^{6},3s^{1} );R,( 1s^{2},2s^{2},2p^{2} ) $ The element that would most readily form a diatomic molecule is [NCERT 1983]


A) Q

B) M

C) R

D) L

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Correct Answer: B


Non-metals readily form diatomic molecules by sharing of electrons. Element $ M,(1s^{2},2s^{2},2p^{5}) $ has seven electrons in its valence shell and thus needs one more electron to complete its octet. Therefore, two atoms share one electron each to form a diatomic molecule $ (M_2) $

$ :\underset{..}{\mathop{\overset{..}{\mathop{M}},}},.+.\overset{..}{\mathop{\underset{..}{\mathop{M}},}},: $

$ \to $

$ :\underset{..}{\mathop{\overset{..}{\mathop{M}},}},:\overset{..}{\mathop{\underset{..}{\mathop{M}},}},: $

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