Atomic Structure Question 47

Question: The radius of which of the following orbit is same as that of the first Bohr’s orbit of hydrogen atom


A) $ H{e^{+}}(n=2) $

B) $ L{i^{2+}}(n=2) $

C) $ L{i^{2+}}(n=3) $

D) $ B{e^{3+}}(n=2) $

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Correct Answer: D


$ r_{H}=0.529\frac{n^{2}}{z}{\AA} $ For hydrogen ; $ n=1 $ and $ z=1 $ therefore $ r_{H}=0.529{\AA} $ For $ B{e^{3+}}:,Z=4 $ and $ n=2 $ Therefore $ {r_{B{e^{3+}}}}=\frac{0.529\times 2^{2}}{4}=0.529{\AA} $ .

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