Atomic Structure Question 423

Question: The velocity of particle A is $ 0.1m{s^{-1}} $ and that of particle B is $ ~0.05,m{s^{-1}} $ . If the mass of particle B is five times that of particle A, then the ratio of de- Broglie wavelengths associated with the particles A and B is


A) 2 : 5

B) 3 : 4

C) 6 : 4

D) 5 : 2

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Correct Answer: D


  • Given, $ v_{A}=0.1m{s^{-1}} $ and $ v_{B}=0.05m{s^{-1}} $ ms-1 also, $ m_{B}=5m_{A} $ de-Broglie wavelength, $ \lambda =\frac{h}{mv} $
    $ \therefore \frac{{\lambda_{A}}}{{\lambda_{B}}}=\frac{h/m_{A}v_{A}}{h/m_{B}v_{B}}=\frac{m_{B}v_{B}}{m_{A}v_{A}} $

$ =\frac{5m_{A}\times 0.05}{m_{A}\times 0.1}=5\times 0.5=2.5=5\text{/}2 $
$ \therefore {\lambda_{A}}:{\lambda_{B}}=5:2 $

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