Atomic Structure Question 407

Question: If the de-Broglie wavelength of a particle mass m is 100 times its velocity, then its value in terms of its mass (m) and Planck’s constant (h) is


A) $ \frac{1}{10}\sqrt{\frac{m}{h}} $

B) $ 10\sqrt{\frac{h}{m}} $

C) $ \frac{1}{10}\sqrt{\frac{h}{m}} $

D) $ 10\sqrt{\frac{m}{h}} $

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Correct Answer: B


  • Let wavelength of particle be x So, velocity $ ( v )=\frac{x}{100} $

$ \lambda =\frac{h}{mv};,x=\frac{h\times 100}{m\times x} $

$ x^{2}=100\frac{h}{m} $ or $ x=10\sqrt{\frac{h}{m}} $

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