Atomic Structure Question 344

Question: The number of $ d $ electrons in $ F{e^{+2}} $ (atomic number of $ Fe=26 $ ) is not equal to that of the [MNR 1993]


A) $ p $ -electrons in $ Ne $ (At. No.= 10)

B) $ s $ -electrons in $ Mg $ (At. No.= 12)

C) $ d $ -electrons in $ Fe $

D) $ p $ -electrons in $ C{l^{-}} $ (At. No. of $ Cl $ = 17)

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Correct Answer: D


$ _{26}Fe=[Ar],3d^{6},,4s^{2} $

$ F{e^{2+}}=[Ar],3d^{6},,4s^{0} $ Number of d-electrons = 6 $ _{17}Cl=[Ne],3s^{2},,3p^{5} $

$ C{l^{-}}=[Ne],3s^{2},,3p^{6} $ Number of p-electrons = 6.

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