Atomic Structure Question 124

Question: The total number of valence electrons in $ 4.2,gm $ of $ N_3^{-} $ ion is ( $ N_{A} $ is the Avogadro’s number) [CBSE PMT 1994]


A) $ 1.6N_{A} $

B) $ 3.2N_{A} $

C) $ 2.1N_{A} $

D) $ 4.2N_{A} $

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Correct Answer: A


42g of $ N_3^{-} $ ions have $ 16,N_{A} $ valence electrons 4.2g of $ N_3^{-} $ ion have $ =\frac{16,N_{A}}{42}\times 4.2=1.6,N_{A} $ .

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