Increased Turnout of Iranians Overseas in Presidential Election Runoff

Increased Turnout of Iranians Overseas in Presidential Election Runoff

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has reported a significant increase in the participation of Iranian nationals living abroad in the presidential election runoff compared to the first round. This development is seen as a positive indicator of the nation’s democratic engagement and international influence.

Historical Context

Iran’s political landscape has been shaped by its complex history, including the 1979 Islamic Revolution, which transformed the country from a monarchy under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to an Islamic Republic under Ayatollah Khomeini. Since then, Iran has held regular elections, although they are often scrutinized for fairness and transparency. The participation of the Iranian diaspora in these elections is crucial, as it reflects the broader engagement of Iranians worldwide in their homeland’s political process.

Key Points

  • Increased Participation: Nasser Kan’ani, the spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, announced that the turnout of Iranians overseas has been “magnificent” in the runoff election.
  • Global Polling Stations: Iran’s foreign ministry organized 344 polling stations worldwide to accommodate approximately 10 million eligible Iranian voters living abroad.
  • Distribution of Iranian Expatriates: The largest populations of Iranians abroad are in the US (30%), Turkey and Canada (12% each), the UK and UAE (10% each), and Germany (6.5%).
  • Challenges in Canada: Due to obstructions by the Canadian government, polling stations were set up at the US border in Buffalo and Seattle, requiring some Iranians to travel long distances to vote.
  • Election Context: The runoff follows the June 28 election where no candidate secured a majority. The leading candidates were Masoud Pezeshkian and Saeed Jalili.
  • Polling Timeline: Polls opened at 8:00 a.m. local time in each country, with New Zealand being the first and the United States the last to close.


  • Significant increase in overseas voter turnout in Iran’s presidential election runoff.
  • 344 global polling stations set up for approximately 10 million eligible Iranian voters abroad.
  • Largest Iranian expatriate communities are in the US, Turkey, Canada, the UK, UAE, and Germany.
  • Special arrangements made for Iranians in Canada to vote at US border stations.
  • Runoff follows an inconclusive first round with leading candidates Masoud Pezeshkian and Saeed Jalili.
  • Polls opened globally, with New Zealand first and the US last to close.

This increased participation of the Iranian diaspora is seen as a step towards enhancing Iran’s authority and influence on the regional and international stages.