Scientists Develop Quantum Technology to Hunt for Elusive Dark Matter

Scientists Develop Quantum Technology to Hunt for Elusive Dark Matter

Historical Context: The quest to understand dark matter has been a significant focus in astrophysics since the 1930s when Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky first inferred its existence through the observation of galaxy clusters. Despite constituting about 80% to 85% of the universe, dark matter remains invisible because it does not interact with light or ordinary matter. Its presence is inferred through its gravitational effects on visible matter and light. Over the decades, scientists have proposed various particles, such as WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) and axions, as potential candidates for dark matter. The development of quantum technology represents a cutting-edge approach in this ongoing scientific endeavor.


Scientists from various UK universities are collaborating to develop two highly sensitive dark matter detectors using supercold quantum technology. Despite constituting approximately six times the amount of ordinary matter in the universe, dark matter remains largely undetectable due to its elusive nature. “We are using quantum technologies at ultra-low temperatures to build the most sensitive detectors to date,” said Samuli Autti from Lancaster University.

The Elusive Nature of Dark Matter: Dark matter, which makes up about 80% to 85% of the universe, remains effectively invisible as it doesn’t interact with light or ordinary matter. Its existence has been inferred due to its mass and gravitational influence on ordinary matter and light. The challenge for scientists like Autti and his team lies in positively detecting dark matter particles rather than merely inferring their presence.

Quantum Detection: The team is focusing on two hypothetical particles as potential constituents of dark matter: the very light “axion” and more massive, yet unknown particles with weak interactions. Both types of particles would show ultraweak interactions with matter, which could theoretically be detected with sensitive enough equipment. The team’s Quantum Enhanced Superfluid Technologies for Dark Matter and Cosmology (QUEST-DMC) experiment aims to detect these unknown new particles.

Axion Detection: The team’s second equipment, the Quantum Sensors for the Hidden Sector (QSHS), is a quantum amplifier designed to detect the tiny electrical signal resulting from axions decaying in a magnetic field. The QUEST-DMC experiment, however, isn’t capable of detecting these extremely light axions, which are theorized to be billions of times lighter than a hydrogen atom. Both the QSHS and QUEST-DMC experiments are part of an ongoing effort to detect dark matter particles.

Public Display: Both the QSHS and QUEST-DMC experiments are on display at Lancaster University’s Summer Science Exhibition. Visitors can learn about how researchers infer the presence of dark matter in galaxies, view a model dark matter particle collision detector, and see a light-up dilution refrigerator exhibiting the ultralow temperatures required by quantum technology.


  • Scientists are using quantum technology to detect dark matter, which constitutes about 80% of the universe.
  • Dark matter’s existence is inferred through its gravitational effects on visible matter and light.
  • The team is focusing on two hypothetical particles: the ultra-light axion and more massive, unknown particles.
  • Two experiments, QUEST-DMC and QSHS, are being used to detect these particles.
  • The QSHS experiment is designed to detect axions, while QUEST-DMC targets more massive particles.
  • Both experiments are showcased at Lancaster University’s Summer Science Exhibition.