7 Common Skin Allergens That Could Increase Your Risk of Skin Cancer

7 Common Skin Allergens That Could Increase Your Risk of Skin Cancer

Health Risks of Fragrances: Some man-made fragrances have chemicals called phthalates, which can mess with your hormones and may increase the risk of cancer (Image: Canva).

Skin cancer cases are rising worldwide, so it’s important to know what might cause it. While too much sun is still the main reason, new studies show that some skin allergens can also raise the risk. These allergens are often in everyday items and can cause long-term skin problems, making it easier for skin cancer to develop.

Here are some common skin allergens and how they might be linked to skin cancer:


Fragrances are found in many personal care items like perfumes, lotions, and soaps. They smell nice but can cause allergic reactions. These reactions can show up as red, itchy, and swollen skin. Over time, this constant irritation can harm skin cells and possibly lead to cancer. Some synthetic fragrances also have phthalates, which can disrupt hormones and increase cancer risk.


Parabens are chemicals used to keep cosmetics and medicines from spoiling. They can cause allergic reactions in some people. Parabens can act like the hormone estrogen, which is involved in some cancers. Studies suggest that parabens can build up in the body over time, leading to health risks like breast cancer and skin cancer. Using products without parabens can lower your exposure to these chemicals.


Nickel is a metal found in things like jewelry, belt buckles, and even cell phones. It’s a common allergen that can cause skin rashes. Long-term exposure to nickel can damage skin cells and increase the risk of skin cancer. Avoiding nickel can be tough because it’s in so many items, but using nickel-free products or protective covers can help.


Formaldehyde is a preservative in many household items like nail polish, hair straighteners, and some cosmetics. It’s known to cause allergic reactions and is also a carcinogen. Exposure to formaldehyde can lead to skin issues like eczema and dermatitis. Long-term exposure, especially with other risks like UV rays, can increase the chance of skin cancer. Choosing products without formaldehyde can reduce your risk.


Lanolin comes from sheep’s wool and is used in moisturizers and healing creams. While safe for most people, it can cause allergic reactions in those with sensitive skin. Lanolin allergies can lead to long-term skin inflammation, which may increase the risk of skin cancer. If you’re sensitive to lanolin, it’s best to use hypoallergenic products.

PPD (Paraphenylenediamine)

PPD is a chemical in hair dyes and henna tattoos. It’s a strong allergen that can cause severe skin reactions like blistering, redness, and itching. Long-term exposure to PPD can damage the skin and may contribute to skin cancer. Using natural hair dyes or PPD-free products can lower the risk of allergic reactions and other health problems.

Sunscreens with Oxybenzone

Some sunscreens, meant to protect against skin cancer, contain allergens like oxybenzone. Oxybenzone absorbs UV rays but can cause allergic reactions in some people. It can also disrupt hormones and increase cancer risk. Using sunscreens with physical blockers like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide can provide UV protection without these risks.