
1. Introduction to Ray Optics:

  • Define ray optics.
  • Key terms: reflection, refraction, optical instruments.

2. Refraction of Light:

  • Snell’s Law: n₁sinθ₁ = n₂sinθ₂
  • Critical Angle: θc = arcsin(n₂/n₁) for total internal reflection.
  • Deviation by a Prism: ΔA = (A₁ + A₂ - A₃ - A₄)

3. Optical Instruments:

  • Mirror Formula: 1/f = 1/v + 1/u (for mirrors).
  • Lens Formula: 1/f = 1/v - 1/u (for lenses).
  • Lensmaker’s Formula: 1/f = (n - 1) [(1/R₁) - (1/R₂)] for thin lenses.
  • Magnification (m) = -v/u = h₂/h₁
  • Power of a Lens: P = 1/f (in diopters, D).

4. Image Formation:

  • Characteristics of Images:
    • Real vs. Virtual
    • Upright vs. Inverted
    • Enlarged vs. Reduced
  • Image Positions:
    • For mirrors:
      • At 2f: Real, inverted, same size.
      • Between f and 2f: Real, inverted, enlarged.
      • Beyond 2f: Real, inverted, reduced.
    • For lenses: Use lens formula to calculate image positions.

5. Sign Conventions:

  • Conventions for measuring distances and angles in ray optics.
  • Positive and negative values for object and image distances, focal lengths, and radii of curvature.

6. Total Internal Reflection:

  • Occurs when light travels from a denser to a rarer medium at an angle of incidence greater than the critical angle.
  • Critical angle: θc = arcsin(n₂/n₁).

7. Lens Combinations:

  • For lenses in contact, use the formula: 1/f = 1/f₁ + 1/f₂.

8. Optical Instruments:

  • Microscope: Magnifying power = V₁ * V₂.
  • Telescope: Magnifying power = (1 + D/f₁)(1 + D/f₂) - (D/f₁f₂).

9. Lens Aberrations:

  • Spherical aberration, chromatic aberration, and their impact on image quality.

10. Important Constants: - Refractive indices of common materials (e.g., air, glass, water).

11. Tips for Problem Solving: - Shortcut methods for solving common problems. - Strategies for drawing ray diagrams efficiently.

12. Previous Year JEE Problems: - A list of select problems from previous JEE exams related to these topics, along with solutions.

13. Additional Resources: - Recommendations for textbooks or online resources for further study and practice.

Table of Contents