
1 : Reflection of Light
  • Laws of Reflection:
    • Angle of Incidence ((i)) = Angle of Reflection ((r)).
    • Incident ray, reflected ray, and the normal to the surface lie in the same plane.
  • Plane Mirrors:
    • Characteristics and properties of images formed by plane mirrors.
    • Virtual, erect, and same-size images.
2 : Spherical Mirrors
  • Types of Spherical Mirrors: Concave and Convex.
    • Mirror Formula: $$(\frac{1}{f} = \frac{1}{v} + \frac{1}{u}),$$ where (f) is the focal length, (v) is the image distance, and (u) is the object distance.
    • Sign Conventions for Mirror Formula:
      • Distances and focal lengths (positive and negative signs).
    • Magnification $$((M)): (M = -\frac{v}{u}),$$ indicating the nature and size of the image.
    • Ray Diagrams:
      • Drawing ray diagrams for various mirror-object configurations.
      • Determining the position and nature of the image.
    • Mirror Equation Shortcut: Quick estimation of image position when the object is at infinity.
3 : Formation of Images
  • Real and Virtual Images.
  • Characteristics of Images:
    • Real: Inverted and can be formed on a screen.
    • Virtual: Upright and cannot be formed on a screen.
  • Image Formation Rules for Concave Mirrors:
    • Object beyond the center of curvature ((C)), between (C) and focus ((F)), at (F), and between (F) and the mirror.
  • Image Formation Rules for Convex Mirrors:
    • Always virtual, upright, and diminished.
  • Concept of Principal Focus ((F)) and Focal Length ((f)).
  • Concept of Center of Curvature ((C)).
  • Real and Virtual Focus.
  • Characteristics of Different Mirror-Object Configurations.
  • Magnification and Inversion.
4 : Practice Problems
  • Sample problems and solved examples covering a range of mirror-object scenarios.
  • Step-by-step solutions and explanations for image formation.
5 : Tips and Tricks
  • Shortcut methods for quick calculations and estimations.
  • Common mistakes to avoid.
  • Time-saving strategies for mirror problems.
6 : Critical Concepts
  • Understanding the concepts of focal length, magnification, and image formation.
  • Applying sign conventions effectively.
  • Mastering the art of drawing accurate ray diagrams.