Work Energy And Impulse Momentum Principles Conservation Of Momentum

Work Energy and Impulse Momentum Principles - Concepts to Remember

Work and Energy

  • Energy Forms: Kinetic, potential (gravitational, elastic), internal, mechanical, thermal energies, etc.
  • Work-energy Theorem: Work done = change in kinetic energy.
  • Potential Energy: Dependence on position/configuration.
  • Conservative/Non-conservative Forces: Work dependence on path.
  • Conservation of Energy: Total energy constant in isolated systems.

Impulse and Momentum

  • Impulse-momentum Theorem: Net impulse = change in momentum.
  • Momentum Vector Quantity: Magnitude and direction matter.
  • Conservation of Momentum: Total momentum constant (no external forces).


  • Collision Types: Perfectly elastic, inelastic, completely inelastic.
  • Momentum/Energy Conservation: In elastic and inelastic collisions.
  • Coefficient of Restitution: Measures collision elasticity.


  • Forces, Work, Energy, Momentum Calculations: Mechanical systems and scenarios.
  • Real-Life Situations: Collision analysis in sports, transport, engineering.

Problem-Solving Techniques

  • Concept Recognition and Application: Work-energy, impulse-momentum principles.
  • Vector Analysis: Directions, signs of quantities.
  • Energy Conservation: Relating initial and final energy states.

Practice and Revision

  • Practice Questions: Strengthen understanding, problem-solving skills.
  • Regular Review: Retain knowledge for JEE and CBSE board exams.