Reproduction Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants

Pollen Grain Structure and Functions of Different Components:

Pollen grains are male gametophytes produced by angiosperms (flowering plants). They consist of two main parts: the outer layer, called the exine, and the inner layer, called the intine. The exine is made of sporopollenin, a tough and resistant material that helps pollen grains survive harsh conditions and protects the enclosed contents. The intine is composed of cellulose and pectin, and it encloses the generative and vegetative nuclei.

The main functions of the different components of a pollen grain are as follows:

  • Exine:

  • Protection of the pollen grain from environmental stresses such as desiccation, temperature fluctuations, and mechanical damage.

  • Contains sculpturing patterns (spines, ridges, pores) that aid in pollen identification and dispersal.

  • Intine:

  • Nourishes the developing male gametophytes.

  • Plays a role in pollen tube formation during pollination.

Development of Pollen Tubes:

The development of pollen tubes is a crucial process in plant reproduction. Pollen tubes are long, slender structures that grow out of pollen grains and transport the male gametes (sperm cells) to the ovules for fertilization. The process involves the following steps:

  1. Pollen germination: Pollen grains absorb water and nutrients from the stigma, causing them to swell and burst. This process is triggered by specific compounds present on the stigma.
  2. Tube elongation: The pollen grain produces a pollen tube that penetrates the style and grows towards the ovary. The growth of the pollen tube is guided by chemical signals from the pistil.
  3. Sperm cell release: Once the pollen tube reaches the ovule, it bursts open, releasing the sperm cells that then travel to the egg cell and the central cell for fertilization.


Microsporogenesis is the process of pollen formation and involves the development of microspores from microspore mother cells. It occurs within the anthers of the flower. The steps of microsporogenesis are as follows:

  1. Microsporocyte differentiation: Diploid cells in the anther, known as archesporial cells, undergo mitosis to form primary sporogenous cells. These primary sporogenous cells then differentiate into microspore mother cells (microsporocytes).
  2. Meiosis: Each microspore mother cell undergoes meiosis, a specialized form of cell division, to produce four haploid microspores.
  3. Microspore maturation: The microspores mature into pollen grains. This involves the development of the pollen grain wall and the formation of the male gametophytes within the pollen grain.

Pollination: Types, Pollinating Agents, and Mechanism:

Pollination is the process of transferring pollen grains from the anthers of a flower to the stigma of the same or a different flower. It is a crucial step in plant reproduction as it enables the pollen grains to reach the female gametes (egg cells) for fertilization. There are two main types of pollination:

  1. Self-pollination: Occurs when pollen grains are transferred from the anther to the stigma of the same flower or different flowers of the same plant.
  2. Cross-pollination: Occurs when pollen grains are transferred from the anther of one flower to the stigma of a different flower of a different plant of the same species.

Pollination can be carried out by different agents, including:

  • Wind
  • Animals (insects, birds, mammals)
  • Water
  • Human intervention

The specific mechanisms of pollination vary depending on the pollination agent and flower structure.

Formation of Male Gametes:

The formation of male gametes in flowering plants involves the development of sperm cells within the pollen grain. This process is known as spermiogenesis and occurs as follows:

  1. Pollen grain maturation: The microspores develop into mature pollen grains, each containing two cells – a vegetative cell and a generative cell.
  2. Generative cell division: The generative cell undergoes mitosis to form two sperm cells. These sperm cells are non-motile and enclosed within the pollen tube.

Formation of Megaspores and Female Gametes (Embryo Sac Development):

The development of the female gametophyte, also known as the embryo sac, involves the formation of megaspores and female gametes (egg cells). This process is known as megasporogenesis and occurs within the ovule. The steps of embryo sac development are as follows:

  1. Megaspore mother cell differentiation: A single diploid cell in the nucellus of the ovule, called the megaspore mother cell, undergoes meiosis to produce four haploid megaspores.
  2. Megaspore selection: Out of the four megaspores, usually only one survives and develops further, while the others degenerate. This functional megaspore is the embryo sac mother cell.
  3. Embryo sac development: The embryo sac mother cell undergoes three successive rounds of mitosis, producing an eight-nucleate embryo sac. These eight nuclei organize themselves into different structures, including the egg cell, central cell, synergids, and antipodal cells.

Self-incompatibility: Types, Causes, and Significance:

Self-incompatibility is a genetic mechanism that prevents self-pollination in plants, promoting cross-pollination and genetic diversity. It ensures that pollen from the same flower or genetically identical flowers does not fertilize the ovules. There are two main types of self-incompatibility:

  1. Gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI): Occurs when the pollen and the stigma of the same flower or genetically identical flowers recognize and reject each other, preventing fertilization.
  2. Sporophytic self-incompatibility (SSI): Occurs when the diploid sporophytic tissue of the plant (usually the style) recognizes and rejects pollen from the same flower or genetically identical flowers, preventing pollen tube growth.

Self-incompatibility is significant as it:

  • Promotes cross-pollination, increasing genetic diversity and adaptation to changing environments.
  • Maintains species boundaries, preventing hybridization between closely related species.
  • Ensures efficient utilization of resources by avoiding inbreeding depression (the production of offspring with reduced vigor or fitness due to inbreeding).

Pollen-Pistil Interaction:

Pollen-pistil interaction is a crucial stage in plant reproduction that determines whether fertilization will occur. It involves several recognition and interaction mechanisms between the pollen grain (specifically the pollen tube) and the pistil. The key steps in pollen-pistil interaction include:

  1. Pollen deposition: Pollen grains are transferred to the stigma of the flower by various means (e.g., wind, insects).
  2. Pollen hydration and germination: Pollen