Problems In Electromagnetics Magnetic Fields Em Waves

Magnetic Fields

  • Biot-Savart law: The magnetic field at a point is proportional to the current flowing through a wire and inversely proportional to the distance from the point to the wire.

  • Ampere’s law: The magnetic field around a current-carrying wire is proportional to the current and the length of the wire.

  • Gauss’s law for magnetism: There are no magnetic monopoles, and the net magnetic flux through any closed surface is zero.

  • Magnetic dipole moment: The magnetic dipole moment of a current loop is proportional to the current and the area of the loop.

  • Magnetic field due to a current-carrying wire: The magnetic field around a current-carrying wire is in the shape of a circle, with the direction of the field given by the right-hand rule.

  • Magnetic field due to a solenoid: The magnetic field inside a solenoid is uniform and in the direction of the solenoid’s axis.

  • Magnetic field due to a toroid: The magnetic field inside a toroid is uniform and in the direction of the toroid’s axis.

  • Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction: A changing magnetic field induces an electric field.

  • Lenz’s law: The direction of the induced electric field is such that it opposes the change in magnetic flux.

EM Waves

  • Maxwell’s equations: A set of four partial differential equations that describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields.

  • Wave equation: A partial differential equation that describes the propagation of waves.

  • Plane waves: EM waves that have a constant amplitude and phase across a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation.

  • Spherical waves: EM waves that have a constant amplitude and phase across a sphere centered on the source.

  • Poynting vector: A vector that represents the energy flux of an EM wave.

  • Wave energy: The energy carried by an EM wave per unit time per unit area.

  • Wave momentum: The momentum carried by an EM wave per unit time per unit area.

  • Doppler effect: The change in frequency of an EM wave due to the relative motion of the source and observer.

  • Reflection and refraction of EM waves: The change in direction of an EM wave when it encounters a boundary between two different media.

  • Polarization of EM waves: The orientation of the electric field vector of an EM wave.

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