Problem Sessionmotion Of System Of Particles And Rigid Bodies

Concepts to remember:

  • Center of mass (CoM):
  • It’s the point where the total mass of an object is concentrated.
  • Net external force acts at the CoM.
  • Linear momentum (p):
  • Vector sum of the momenta of all particles in a system.
  • Symbol: p = m * v (mass x velocity).
  • SI unit: kg m/s.
  • Conservation of linear momentum:
  • Total linear momentum remains constant in a closed system.
  • Useful in analyzing collisions and explosions.
  • Angular momentum (L):
  • Vector sum of angular momenta of all particles in a system.
  • L = I * ω (rotational inertia x angular velocity).
  • SI unit: kg m^2/s.
  • Conservation of angular momentum:
  • In a closed system, total angular momentum is constant.
  • Important in analyzing spinning objects and systems.
  • Moment of inertia (I):
  • Resistance of an object to angular acceleration about an axis.
  • Depends on mass distribution and axis of rotation.
  • SI unit: kg m^2.
  • Parallel axis theorem:
  • Relates the moment of inertia about a parallel axis to that about the CoM.
  • I = I_CoM + Md^2 (where M is mass, and d is the distance between axes).
  • Perpendicular axis theorem:
  • Relates the moment of inertia about an axis perpendicular to two other axes.
  • I = I_x + I_y (where I_x and I_y are moments of inertia about the other axes).
  • Rolling motion:
  • Combination of rotation about an axis and translation.
  • Involves the concept of the rolling velocity v = ωR (R is the radius).
  • Frictional force (f):
  • Force opposing the relative motion of two surfaces in contact.
  • μ = coefficient of friction (f = μN, where N is the normal force).

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