
Concepts related to Phenols

Characteristics of Phenols:

  • Phenols contain a hydroxyl group (-OH) attached to a benzene ring.

  • Phenols are acidic due to resonance stabilization of the phenoxide ion.

Reactions of Phenols:

  • Phenols undergo various reactions, including electrophilic aromatic substitution, nucleophilic aromatic substitution, and oxidation.

  • Important reactions of phenols include nitration, sulfonation, halogenation, and alkylation.

Uses of Phenols:

  • Phenols are used in the manufacturing of plastics, dyes, drugs, and perfumes.

Toxicity of Phenols:

  • Some phenols, like phenol and cresol, are toxic, causing skin burns and respiratory issues.

Classification of Phenols

-Phenols are categorized as monohydric, dihydric, or trihydric based on the number of hydroxyl groups in their molecules.

Common Examples of Phenols

  • Common phenols include phenol, cresol, and resorcinol.

Occurrence of Phenols in Nature:

  • Phenols occur naturally in plants and fruits.