Nitrogen Containing Organic Compounds

Nitrogen Containing Organic Compounds: Concepts to Remember

1. Amines:

  • Nomenclature: RNH2 (primary), R2NH (secondary), R3N (tertiary).
  • Classification: Primary, secondary, tertiary.
  • Preparation:
  • From alkyl halides: R-X + NH3 → R-NH2 + HX
  • From ammonia: R-X + 2 NH3 → R-NH2 + NH4X
  • From nitro compounds: R-NO2 + 6 [H] → R-NH2 + 2 H2O
  • From amides: R-CONH2 + H2O → R-NH2 + CO2
  • Physical and chemical properties:
  • Basic nature: Due to the presence of a lone pair of electrons on nitrogen.
  • Boiling point: Increases with molecular weight.
  • Solubility: Soluble in water (primary and secondary amines) due to hydrogen bonding.
  • Basicity: Factors affecting basicity:
    • Inductive effect: Alkyl groups increase basicity by electron donation, while electronegative groups decrease basicity.
    • Steric hindrance: Bulky alkyl groups hinder the protonation of nitrogen, decreasing basicity.
  • Reactions:
    • Nucleophilic substitution: R-NH2 + R’-X → R-NHR’ + X-
    • Acylation: R-NH2 + R’-C=O → R-NH-C=O-R'
    • Nitrosation: R-NH2 + NaNO2 + HCl → R-N=O + NaCl + 2 H2O
    • Diazotization: R-NH2 + NaNO2 + HCl → R-N2+Cl- + NaCl + 2 H2O

2. Amides:

  • Nomenclature: RCONH2 (primary), RCONHR (secondary), RCONR2 (tertiary).
  • Classification: Primary, secondary, tertiary.
  • Preparation:
    • From carboxylic acids: RCOOH + NH3 → RCONH2 + H2O
    • From ammonia: RCOOH + 2 NH3 → RCONH2 + NH4+OH-
    • From acid chlorides: R-C=O-Cl + NH3 → R-C=O-NH2 + HCl
  • Physical and chemical properties:
  • Amide linkage: C=O and N-H bonds are arranged in a planar configuration due to resonance.
  • Resonance: Delocalization of electrons between the C=O and N-H bonds.
  • Hydrogen bonding: Amides can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules.
  • Boiling point: Higher than amines and carboxylic acids due to stronger hydrogen bonding.
  • Basicity: Factors affecting basicity:
  • Inductive effect: Alkyl groups increase basicity by electron donation, while electronegative groups decrease basicity.
  • Steric hindrance: Bulky alkyl groups hinder the protonation of nitrogen, decreasing basicity.
  • Reactions:
  • Nucleophilic substitution: RCONH2 + R’-X → RCONHR’ + X-
  • Hydrolysis: RCONH2 + H2O → RCOOH + NH3
  • Reduction: RCONH2 + 4 [H] → RCH2NH2 + H2O

3. Cyanides:

  • Nomenclature: R-CN (alkyl cyanides), Ar-CN (aryl cyanides).
  • Classification: Alkyl cyanides, aryl cyanides.
  • Preparation:
    • From alkyl halides: R-X + KCN → R-CN + KX
    • From potassium cyanide: R-Br + KCN → R-CN + KBr
    • From cyanohydrins: R-C(OH)(CN)2 → R-CN + H2O
  • Physical and chemical properties:
    • Nitrile group: The C≡N bond is polar, with a partial positive charge on the carbon and a partial negative charge on the nitrogen.
    • Boiling point: Lower than corresponding carboxylic acids due to weaker hydrogen bonding.
  • Reactions:
    • Nucleophilic substitution: R-CN + H2O → R-CONH2
    • Hydrolysis: R-CN + 2 H2O → R-COOH + NH3
    • Reduction: R-CN + 4 [H] → R-CH2NH2
    • Addition of Grignard reagents: R-CN + RMgX → R-C(R’)=NMgX

4. Nitro Compounds:

  • Nomenclature: R-NO2 (aliphatic nitro compounds), Ar-NO2 (aromatic nitro compounds).
  • Classification: Aliphatic nitro compounds, aromatic nitro compounds.
  • Preparation:
    • From alkyl halides: R-X + AgNO2 → R-NO2 + AgX
    • From silver nitrite: R-X + AgNO2 → R-NO2 + AgX
    • From nitric acid: R-H + HNO3 → R-NO2 + H2O
  • Physical and chemical properties:
    • Nitro group: The N-O bonds are polar, with a partial positive charge on nitrogen and partial negative charges on oxygen atoms.
    • Resonance: Delocalization of electrons between the N-O bonds.
    • Boiling point: Higher than corresponding hydrocarbons due to stronger dipole-dipole interactions.
  • Reactions:
    • Nucleophilic substitution: R-NO2 + H2O → R-OH + HNO2
    • Reduction: R-NO2 + 6 [H] → R-NH2 + 2 H2O
    • Oxidation: R-NO2 + [O] → R-NO3

5. Nitriles:

  • Nomenclature: R-C≡N (alkyl nitriles), Ar-C≡N (aryl nitriles).
  • Classification: Alkyl nitriles, aryl nitriles.
  • Preparation:
    • From alkyl halides: R-X + KCN → R-CN + KX
    • From potassium cyanide: R-Br + KCN → R-CN + KBr
  • From dehydration of amides: RCONH2 → RCN + H2O
  • Physical and chemical properties:
    • Cyano group: The C≡N bond is polar, with a partial positive charge on the carbon and a partial negative charge on the nitrogen.
    • Boiling point: Lower than corresponding carboxylic acids due to weaker hydrogen bonding.
  • Reactions:
    • Nucleophilic substitution: R-CN + H2O → R-CONH2
    • Hydrolysis: R-CN + 2 H2O → R-COOH + NH3
    • Reduction: R-CN + 4 [H] → R-CH2NH2
    • Addition of Grignard reagents: R-CN + RMgX → R-C(R’)=NMgX

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