Human Physiology Locomotion And Movement

Concepts to remember for the JEE exam and CBSE board exams on the of Human Physiology Locomotion and Movement:

1. Skeletal System:

  • Structure and functions of bones:

    • Bones provide support and protection, store minerals, produce blood cells, and enable movement.
    • Bones are composed of various tissues, including bone cells, bone matrix, and bone marrow.
  • Types of joints: Synovial joints (freely movable), cartilaginous joints (slightly movable), and fibrous joints (immovable).

  • Types of movements at different joints: Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction, rotation.

  • Bone growth and development: Process of ossification, growth plates, hormones involved in growth.

  • Disorders of the skeletal system: Osteoporosis, arthritis, fractures, and growth disorders.

2. Muscular System:

  • Structure and functions of muscles: Muscles generate force and movement, produce heat, and protect vital organs.

  • consist of muscle cells (myocytes) and connective tissues.

  • Types of muscles: Striated (skeletal), smooth (visceral), and cardiac.

  • Mechanism of muscle contraction: Sliding filament mechanism involving actin and myosin protein filaments.

  • Energy metabolism in muscles: ATP production through glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation, and phosphagen system.

  • Muscle fatigue and recovery: Causes of muscle fatigue, muscle soreness (DOMS), and recovery process.

  • Disorders of the muscular system: Muscular dystrophy, myasthenia, and muscle cramps.

3. Types of Movements:

  • Skeletal movements: Movements of the body by skeletal muscles, include voluntary movements and reflex actions.

  • Non-skeletal movements: Movements without skeletal muscles, such as peristalsis and ciliary movement.

4. Posture and Balance:

  • Maintaining posture: Role of muscles, bones, and joints in maintaining good posture.

  • Role of proprioceptors in maintaining balance: Sensing body position and movement, contributing to balance and coordination.

  • Disorders affecting posture and balance: Conditions like scoliosis, kyphosis, and vestibular disorders.

5. Locomotion:

  • Different modes of locomotion: Walking, running, jumping, swimming, and crawling.

  • Biomechanics of locomotion: Analyze the forces, movements, and energy involved in various forms of locomotion.

  • Energy cost of locomotion: Amount of energy required for different modes of locomotion.

  • Factors affecting locomotion: Speed, endurance, gait, and environmental factors.