Genetics And Evolution Evolution

Genetics and Evolution Concepts for JEE and CBSE Exams


Mendelian Genetics:

  • Mendel’s Laws:

    • Law of uniformity
    • Law of segregation
    • Law of independent assortment
  • Dominant and Recessive Alleles:

  • Phenotypes and Genotypes

Gene Interactions:

  • Epistasis
  • Pleiotropy
  • Multiple Alleles

Linkage and Crossing Over:

  • Linked Genes:
    • Complete Linkage
    • Incomplete Linkage
  • Recombination:

Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance:

  • Structure of Chromosomes:
  • Chromatid
  • Centromere
  • Telomere
  • Types of Chromosomes:
  • Autosomes
  • Sex chromosomes
  • Karyotype
  • Sex Determination and Sex-Linked Inheritance:
    • Sex chromosomes
    • Sex-linked genes
    • Sex-determination in Human Beings

Genetic Disorders and Pedigree Analysis:

  • Types of genetic diseases:

    • Mendelian disorders
    • Chromosomal disorders
    • Multifactorial disorders
  • Pedigree Analysis

DNA Structure and Replication:

  • Components of DNA:
    • Nucleotides
    • Genes
  • DNA Replication:
    • Semi-conservative
    • Continuous on one and discontinuous on the other strand


Origin of Life:

  • Theories of Origin of Life:
    • Miller-Urey Experiment
    • Oparin-Haldane Hypothesis

Natural Selection:

  • Basics:
    • Adaptations
    • Fitness
  • Types of Natural Selection:
    • Directional
    • Stabilizing
    • Disruptive

Population Genetics:

  • Gene Pool
  • Allele frequency
  • Genotype frequency
  • Hardy-Weinberg Principle:
    • Conditions
    • Significance
  • Factors affecting equilibrium:
  • Mutation
  • Migration
  • Non-random mating
  • Genetic drift

Mechanisms of Evolution:

  • Mutation
  • Gene flow
  • Genetic drift
  • Natural Selection
  • Non-random mating
  • Genetic Recombination

Speciation and Patterns of Evolution:

  • Species Concept
  • Mechanisms of Speciation:
    • Allopatric speciation
    • Sympatric speciation
    • Parapatric speciation

Patterns of Evolution:

  • Adaptive radiation
  • Coevolution
  • Convergent evolution -Divergent Evolution

Phylogenetics and Taxonomy:

  • Phylogenetics:
    • Methods of Phylogeny Reconstruction
  • Taxonomy:
    • Taxonomic Ranks
    • Binomial system