Genetics And Evolution Concepts Summary And Evolution

Concepts to remember on Genetics and Evolution



  • Mendel’s laws of inheritance:
  • Law of segregation
  • Law of independent assortment

Gene Expression:

  • Transcription: DNA to RNA
  • Translation: RNA to Protein
  • Regulation of gene expression:
  • Operon concept
  • Jacob-Monod model

DNA Structure and Replication:

  • Components of DNA:
    • nucleotides
    • bases
    • deoxyribose sugar
    • phosphate backbone
  • DNA double helix model: Watson-Crick model
  • DNA replication: semi-conservative replication, enzymes involved (DNA polymerases, helicase, DNA ligase)


  • Types of mutations:
    • Gene mutations (substitution, deletion, insertion)
    • Chromosomal mutations (deletion, duplication, inversion, translocation)
  • Causes of mutations: radiation, chemicals, errors during DNA replication

Genetic Engineering:

  • Recombinant DNA technology: steps involved
    • Isolation of DNA
    • Restriction enzyme digestion
    • Gel electrophoresis
    • Ligation
    • Transformation
  • Applications of genetic engineering:
  • Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
  • Gene therapy
  • Protein production


Evidence of Evolution:

  • Fossil records
  • Comparative anatomy
  • Embryology
  • Molecular biology (DNA and protein similarities)

Mechanisms of Evolution:

  • Natural selection:
  • Concept
  • Role of variation
  • Fitness
  • Adaptation
  • Other mechanisms:
  • Genetic drift
  • Gene flow
  • Mutation
  • Genetic recombination
  • Sexual selection

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium:

  • Conditions for equilibrium:
  • No mutation
  • No migration
  • Random mating
  • No natural selection
  • Hardy-Weinberg equation: p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1

Types of Natural Selection:

  • Stabilizing selection: favors the average phenotype
  • Directional selection: favors one extreme phenotype
  • Disruptive selection: favors both extreme phenotypes


  • Process of speciation:
  • Allopatric speciation
  • Sympatric speciation
  • Parapatric speciation
  • Reproductive isolation: mechanisms that prevent interbreeding between different species

Patterns of Evolution:

  • Convergent evolution: evolution of similar traits in unrelated organisms due to adaptation to similar environments
  • Divergent evolution: evolution of different traits in related organisms due to adaptation to different environments
  • Coevolution: evolution of two or more species in response to each other’s adaptations

Human Evolution:

  • Evolutionary history of humans: from primates to modern humans
  • Key events:
    • Bipedalism
    • Increased brain size
    • Tool usage
    • Language development