Chemistry Of P Block Elements

Chemistry of p-Block Elements - Key Concepts:

Group 13 Elements (Boron Family)

  • Electronic Configuration:

    • General: ns2np1
    • Boron: 1s22s22p1
  • Oxidation States:

    • +3 (most common)
  • Boric Acid (H3BO3):

    • Weak acid
    • Forms esters
  • Lewis Acidity of Boron Halides:

    • BF3 is the strongest Lewis acid among all BX3 halides
    • Lewis acidity: BF3 > BCl3 > BBr3 > BI3

Group 14 Elements (Carbon Family)

  • Electronic Configuration:

    • General: ns2np2
    • Carbon: 1s22s22p2
  • Oxidation States:

    • +4, +2 (for carbon, only -4 to +4)
  • Catenation and Allotropy of Carbon:

    • Catenation: Ability to form long chains of C atoms
    • Allotropes: Diamond, graphite, fullerene, etc.
  • Important Compounds of Carbon:

    • Saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes)
    • Unsaturated hydrocarbons (alkenes and alkynes)
    • Aromatic compounds
  • Silicates and their properties:

    • Minerals containing SiO44- unit
    • Most abundant minerals on earth
    • Found in rocks, sand, clay

Group 15 Elements (Nitrogen Family)

  • Electronic Configuration:

    • General: ns2np3
    • Nitrogen: 1s22s22p3
  • Oxidation States:

    • +5, +3, -3 (for nitrogen, -3 to +5)
  • Properties and uses of nitrogen compounds:

    • Ammonia (NH3): Fertilizer, refrigerant, precursor for nitric acid
    • Nitric Acid (HNO3): Strong acid, used in fertilizer and explosives
    • Nitrogen oxides: Air pollutants, play role in acid rain
  • Phosphoric Acid (H3PO4):

    • Triprotic acid
    • Used in fertilizers, detergents

Group 16 Elements (Oxygen Family)

  • Electronic Configuration:

    • General: ns2np4
    • Oxygen: 1s22s22p4
  • Oxidation States:

    • -2, +2, +4, +6 (for oxygen, -2 to +6)
  • Allotropic forms of Sulfur:

    • Rhombic sulfur
    • Monoclinic sulfur
  • Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4):

    • Strong diprotic acid
    • Most industrially produced chemical
    • Used in fertilizers, batteries

Group 17 Elements (Halogens)

  • Electronic Configuration:

    • General: ns2np5
    • Fluorine: 1s22s22p5
  • Oxidation States:

    • -1
  • Properties and uses of halogens:

    • Highly reactive
    • Form salts with metals
    • Used as disinfectants, bleaches
  • Hydrohalic Acids and their properties:

    • Strong acids
    • Corrosive
    • React with metals to form salts

Group 18 Elements (Noble Gases)

  • Electronic Configuration:

    • General: ns2np6
    • Helium: 1s2
  • Noble Gas Character:

    • Chemically unreactive
    • Complete octet configuration
    • Low boiling points

Coordination Complexes:

  • Nomenclature and Classification:

    • Ligands: Molecules or ions that bind to metal ions
    • Coordination number: # of ligands bonded to metal ion
    • Oxidation state of metal
  • Bonding and Stability:

    • Metal-ligand bonds: coordinate covalent bonds
    • Stability of complexes: influenced by ligand properties, metal ion charge, and geometry
  • Isomerism in Coordination Compounds:

    • Structural isomerism
    • Stereoisomerism: enantiomers and diastereomers
  • Applications of coordination compounds:

    • Catalysts: facilitate chemical reactions
    • Pharmaceuticals: drugs and medicines
    • Pigments: provide color
    • Magnetic materials

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