Chemistry Of Group 2 Element

Group 2 elements:

  • General characteristics:

  • Physical properties:

    • Silvery-white, lustrous metals
    • Low density
    • Soft and malleable
    • Low melting and boiling points
  • Chemical properties:

    • Highly reactive
    • Readily lose two electrons to form stable 2+ ions
    • Form basic oxides and hydroxides
    • React with water to produce hydrogen gas
    • Form ionic halides
    • Can reduce metal oxides
  • Electronic configuration:

  • All group 2 elements have two electrons in their outermost energy level (ns2)

  • Atomic and ionic radii:

  • Atomic radii increase down the group

  • Ionic radii are smaller than atomic radii

  • Ionization enthalpy:

  • Ionization enthalpies decrease down the group

  • Hydration enthalpy:

  • Hydration enthalpies decrease down the group

  • Oxidation states:

  • All group 2 elements have a +2 oxidation state

  • Reactions with:

  • Oxygen:

    • React with oxygen to form oxides, e.g. CaO
  • Hydrogen:

    • React with hydrogen to form hydrides, e.g. CaH2
  • Water:

    • React with water to produce氢气, e.g. Ca + 2H2O -> Ca(OH)2 + H2
  • Halogens:

    • React with halogens to form halides, e.g. CaCl2
  • Metal carbonates:

    • React with metal carbonates to form basic carbonates, e.g. CaCO3 + Na2CO3 -> CaCO3·Na2CO3
  • Preparation and properties of some important compounds:

  • Oxides:

    • Basic oxides
    • React with water to form hydroxides
  • Hydroxides:

    • Strong bases
    • React with acids to form salts
  • Halides:

    • Ionic compounds
    • Soluble in water
  • Carbonates:

    • Basic carbonates
    • Decompose on heating to form oxides and carbon dioxide
  • Sulphates:

    • Ionic compounds
    • Soluble in water
  • Applications of group 2 elements and their compounds:

  • Calcium:

    • Used in the production of cement, plaster, and glass
  • Magnesium:

    • Used in the production of alloys, such as magnesium-aluminium alloy
  • Strontium:

    • Used in the production of fireworks and flares
  • Barium:

    • Used in the production of X-ray contrast agents and television screens

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