Biotechnology Principles And Processes Part

Biotechnology Principles and Processes:

Recombinant DNA technology:

  • Cutting DNA with restriction enzymes and joining fragments with DNA ligase.

Cloning vectors:

  • Plasmids, viruses, or other vectors used to carry and replicate DNA fragments.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR):

  • Amplifying DNA fragments using heat cycles and DNA polymerase.

Gel electrophoresis:

  • Separating DNA fragments by size using an electric field in a gel.

Southern blotting:

  • Transferring DNA fragments from a gel to a membrane for hybridization with probes.

Gene expression:

  • Transcription and translation of DNA to produce proteins.

Transgenic organisms:

  • Organisms with foreign genes inserted into their genome.

Gene therapy:

  • Treating genetic diseases by introducing functional genes into cells.

Stem cells:

  • Undifferentiated cells that can develop into various cell types.

Tissue culture:

  • Growing cells outside of the body in controlled conditions.

Fermentation technology:

  • Using microorganisms to produce useful substances.

Bioprocess engineering:

  • Designing and optimizing bioprocesses for efficient production.

Downstream processing:

  • Recovering and purifying products from fermentation processes.

Applications of biotechnology in medicine, agriculture, and industry:

  • Developing drugs, vaccines, diagnostics, genetically modified crops, biofuels, and more.

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