Biotechnology And Its Application Part

Biotechnology and Its Applications

Basic Concepts

Recombinant DNA technology

  • Restriction enzymes and DNA ligase: Tools used to cut and paste DNA fragments.

Mnemonic: RES (REstriciton enzymes)** LIG (liGase) - Cut and Paste!

  • Plasmids and vectors: Plasmids are small, circular DNA molecules found in bacteria, while vectors are used to carry genes into cells.

Mnemonic: Plasmids are found in “PLAnts and BACteria”. While Vectors are used to “Vehicles carrying foreign DNA”

  • Gene cloning: Process of inserting a gene into another DNA molecule, creating a recombinant DNA molecule.

Mnemonic: CLONE - CLipping and NEating DNA together.

  • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): Technique used to amplify specific DNA sequences.

Mnemonic: Polymerase Chain Reaction = “Party Chain Reaction”, DNA replication on a grand scale!

  • DNA sequencing: Method used to determine the order of nucleotides in a DNA molecule.

Mnemonic: DNA Sequencing - Sorting the genetic Code

  • Southern blotting and Northern blotting: Techniques used to detect specific DNA or RNA sequences in a sample.

Mnemonic: SOuthern blotting - DNA, NOrthern blotting - RNA

Genetic engineering

  • Transgenic organisms: Organisms that have foreign DNA integrated into their genome.

Mnemonic: “Trans” means across. TRANSgenic organisms - Something has been “added” to the DNA.

  • Gene knockout and gene therapy: Techniques used to modify or eliminate specific genes in an organism.

Mnemonic: Knockout - Knocking out a specific gene, while** GE**ne Therapy - GET the right genes in to cure a disease.



  • Production of antibiotics, vaccines, and hormones: Biotechnology is used to produce a variety of medicines, including antibiotics, vaccines, and hormones.

Mnemonic: BAH! Biotechnology for Antibiotics, Hormones and Vaccines

  • Gene therapy for genetic diseases: Biotechnology offers the potential to correct genetic defects and treat genetic diseases.

Mnemonic: GT gene Therapy - Changing the code of life.

  • Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine: Biotechnology enables the growth of new tissues and organs for transplantation.

Mnemonic: REGROW - the key word for regeneration.

  • Pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine: Biotechnology allows the development of drugs tailored to individual genetic profiles, leading to personalized medicine.

Mnemonic: PHARmaCOgenomics - Tailored medicine for YOU


  • Genetically modified crops (GM crops) for improved yield, resistance to pests and herbicides, and nutritional value.

Mnemonic: GM crops grow BETTER, stronger, healthier.

  • Genetically modified livestock for improved growth and resistance to diseases.

Mnemonic: GM livestock provide more food and are disease-free.


  • Production of enzymes and other proteins for industrial use.

Mnemonic: Biotechnology produces all sorts of useful BIOPROducts

  • Biofuels and bioplastics: Biotechnology offers renewable alternatives to fossil fuels and plastics.

Mnemonic: BIOfuels and BIOplastics - Nature provides the solution!

  • Environmental biotechnology can help clean up pollution and restore ecosystems.

Mnemonic: ECObiotechnology- saving our ECOsystem.

Forensic Science

  • DNA fingerprinting for identification and paternity testing.

Mnemonic: DNA fingerprinting - Unique, like a fingerprint.

Conservation Biology

  • Cloning and reintroduction of endangered species: Biotechnology provides methods to preserve and revive endangered species.

Mnemonic: CRISIS!- CLONE and REINTROduce those ENDANGERED species!

  • **Gene banks for preserving genetic diversity:**Gene banks store genetic diversity for future generations.

Mnemonic: GENe BANKS for the FUTURE.

Table of Contents